Authorisation system
Customs formalities
Price of visas
Road traffic
Fiscal charges
VAT Reimbursement


A certified true copy of the Community license is required for the transport of goods within the EU, by carriers registered in the EU Member States (bilateral, cross trade, transit and cabotage operations according to Regulation (EC) 1072/2009). Transport of goods between Bulgaria and third countries must be carried out according to the agreements with the countries concerned.

Bulgaria is a member of the ECMT quota system.

Carriers established in non-EU countries with which Bulgaria has concluded a bilateral agreement on international transport of goods should submit their application for permits (in case it is required according to the agreement) to the competent authorities in their own country.

In the absence of agreement or in case a carrier arrives at the border without Bulgarian permit from the exchanged quota, bilateral, transit and third country permits may be issued at the border crossing point when entering the country. The tariffs are as follows:

- bilateral/transit transport € 1500

- third country permit € 3000

Cabotage by operators, established in the EU Member States is performed under the provisions of Regulation No. 1072/2009.

Carriers established in countries with which Bulgaria has concluded a bilateral agreement on the international transport of goods (in case cabotage is allowed according to the agreement) should submit their application for permit to:

Executive Agency “Road Transport Administration”

Gurko Str. 5

BG – 1000 Sofia

Tel: (+359 2) 930 88 40, 930 88 10

Fax: (+359 2) 988 54 95, 981 81 15



IRU website