Authorisation system
Customs formalities
Price of visas
Road traffic
Fiscal charges
VAT Reimbursement


A. Maximum Permitted Weights and Dimensions
B. Speed Limits (km/h)
C. Fuel
D. Driving restrictions
E. Public holidays
F. Alcohol level
G. Violaortion of traffic regulations
H. Winter equipment

A. Maximum Permitted Weights and Dimensions

Heigh 4.00m
      Motor vehicle/trailer 2.55m
      Refrigerated vehicle or superstructures of conditioned vehicles or conditioned containers or swap bodies transported by vehicles 2.60m
Length *1), *2)
      Motor vehicle 12.00m
      Trailer 12.00m
      Articulated vehicle 16.50m
      Road train 18.75m
Weight per axle
І. For vehicles with pneumatic suspension or equivalent – on the whole road network and for vehicles without pneumatic suspension or equivalent – only for the road sections given in the enclosed list:
single axle 10t
single driving axle 11.5t *3)
tandem axle of motor vehicles, with a distance between the axles:
    • < 1.00 m 11.5t
    • from 1.00 m to 1.30 m 16t
    • from 1.30m to 1.80 m 18t
   • from 1.30m to 1.80 m and the driving axle is fitted with twin tires and pneumatic suspensions or each driving axle is fitted with twin tires  and the maximal load on each axles does not exceed 9.5 t 19t
tandem axle of trailer or semi-trailer with a distance between the axles of:
    • < 1 m 11t
    • from 1.00 m to 1.30 m 16t
    • from 1.30 m to 1.80 m 18t
    • 1.80 m or more 20t
tridem axle of trailer or semi-trailer with a distance between the axles of:
    • <= 1.30 m 21t
    • from 1.30m to 1.40 m 24t
II. For vehicles without pneumatic suspension or equivalent – only for the road sections not included in the enclosed list:

single axle


single driving axle 10t *3)
tandem axle with a distance between the axles of:
    • < 1.30 m 13t
    • from 1.30 m to 1.40 m 16t
    • from 1.40 m to 1.80 m 18t
    • 1.80 m or more 20t
tridem axle of trailer or semi-trailer with a distance between the axles of:
    • <= 1.30 m 19.5t
    • > 1.30 m 24t
Maximum permitted weight
Motor vehicle
    • with 2 axes 18t *4)
    • with 3 axes 25t *4)
   • with 3 axles and the driving axle is fitted with twin tires and pneumatic suspension or equivalent, or if each driving axle is fitted with twin tires and the maximum load for each axle does not exceed 9.5 t 26t *4)
    • with 4 axles, two of which are steering axles 32t *5)
    • with 5 axles 40t
    • with 2 axes 18t
    • with 3 axes 24t
Articulated vehicle
    • with 4 axles (2+2), with a distance between the axles of the semi-trailer of ≥1.30m to 1.80 36t
    • with 4 axles, where the distance between the axles of the semi-trailer is over 1.80m, provided that the MPW of the motor vehicle (18 t) and of the tandem axle of the semi-trailer (20 t) are respected and the driving axle is fitted with twin tires and pneumatic suspension or equivalent 38t
    • with 5/6 or more axles (2+≥3, ≥3+≥2) 40.0t
    • 2-axle motor vehicle with 3-axle semi-trailer carrying, in intermodal transport operations, one or more containers or swap bodies, up to a total maximum length of 45 feet 42.0t
    • 3-axle motor vehicle with 2-axle semi-trailer carrying, in intermodal transport operations, one or more containers or swap bodies, up to a total maximum length of 45 feet 44.0t
Road train
    • with 4 axles (2+2) 36.0t
    • with 5/6 or more axles (2+≥3, ≥3+≥2) 40.0t

*1) The maximum authorised length could be exceeded when vehicles or vehicle combinations are equipped with aerodynamic devices or cabs with improved aerodynamic performance under the provisions of Directive 96/53/EC.

*2) The maximum length may be exceeded by 15 cm for vehicles or vehicle combinations engaged in the transport of 45-foot containers or 45-foot swap bodies, empty or loaded, provided that the road transport of the container or swap body in question is part of an intermodal transport operation under the provisions of Directive 96/53/EC.

*3) The weight borne by the drive axle(s) of a motor vehicle or combined vehicle should not be less than 25% of the total laden weight of the motor vehicle or the combined vehicle.

*4) The maximum authorised weight is increased by the additional weight required for the alternative fuel technology with a maximum of 1 tonne

*5) The maximum permitted weight in tonnes of a four-axle motor vehicle should not exceed five times the distance in metres between the foremost and rearmost axles of the vehicle.

NB! Everywhere in this record “intermodal transport operation” as defined in Article 2 of Directive 96/53/EC.

List of the road sections where the maximum permitted driving axle load is the indicated in point I. for all types suspension of the vehicle:

1. Road E70: border with Romania – Ruse – Tsar Kaloyan – bypass Razgrad – bypass Shumen – Devnya – Varna;
2. Road E79: border with Romania – ferry Vidin – bypass Vidin – Dimovo – Ruzhintsi – Belotintsi – Montana – Vratsa – Mezdra – Botevgrad – Gorni Bogrov – ringroad Sofia – Daskalovo – bypass Dupnitsa – bypass Blagoevgrad – bypass Simitli – Kresna – Kulata – border with Greece;
3. Road E80: border with Serbia and Montenegro – Kalotina – Dragoman – ringroad Sofia – bypass Ihtiman – Kostenets – Belovo – Pazardzhik – Plovdiv – Popovitsa – bypass Haskovo – Harmanli – Lyubimets – Svilengrad – Kapitan Andreevo – border with Turkey;
4. Road E83: Rail station Byala – bypass Pleven – Lukovit – Koritna – Yablanitsa – Botevgrad;
5. Road E85: Ruse – Byala – Polski Trambesh – Veliko Tarnovo – bypass Debelets – Dryanovo – Gabrovo – Shipka – Kazanlak – bypass Stara Zagora – Sredets – Dimitrovgrad – bypass Haskovo – Harmanli – Lubimets – Svilengrad –border with Greece;
6. Road E87: border with Romania – Durankulak – Shabla – bypass Kavarna – Balchik – Obrochishte – Kranevo – Zlatni pyasatsi – Sveti Konstantin – Varna – Staro Oryahovo – Obzor – bypass Slanchev bryag – Burgas – Marinka – Zvezdets – Malko Tarnovo –border with Turkey;
7. Road E772: Koritna – Balgarski izvor – Mikre – bypass Sevlievo – Veliko Tarnovo – bypass Omurtag – bypass Targovishte - /bypass Razgrad – bypass Shumen/;
8. Road E773: Popovitsa – bypass Chirpan – bypass Stara Zagora – Nova Zagora – bypass Sliven – Lozenets – Karnobat – Burgas;
9. Road E871: ringroad Sofia – Pernik – Radomir – bypass Kyustendil – Garlyano – border with Macedonia;
10. Road І-5: section Haskovo – Konush – Chernoochene – Kardzhali – Momchilgrad – Makaza –border with Greece;
11. Road І-6: section Sofia – Dolni Bogrov – Pirdop – Rozino – Karlovo – bypass Kalofer – Kazanlak – bypass Sliven;
12.  Road ІІ-55: section Debelets – Kilifarevo – Gurkovo – Dolno Panichevo – Nova Zagora;
13.  Road ІІІ-554: Nova Zagora – Radnevo – Galabovo – Simeonovgrad – Harmanli;
14. Road I-7: Silistra – Shumen;
15. Road I-7: Preslav - road E-773;
16. Road II-12: Vidin – border with Serbia;
17. Road II-14: Vidin - Kula - border with Serbia;
18. Road II-18: ring road Sofia – northern catenary;
19. Road II-19: Simitli - Gotse Delchev - border with Greece;
20. Road II-29: Dobrich – Varna;
21. Road II-35: Lovech – Karnare;
22. Road II-53: Sliven – Yambol;
23. Road II-55: Nova Zagora – Svilengrad;
24. Road II-57: Stara Zagora – Radnevo;
25. Road II-62: Kyustendil – Dupnitsa;
26. Road II-63: Pernik - border with Serbia;
27. Road II-73: Shumen – Karnobat;
28. Road II-78: Radnevo – Topolovgrad;
29. Road II-86: Asenovgrad – Smolian;
30. Road II-99: Burgas - Malko Tarnovo;
31. Ring road Plovdiv (road II-86);
32. Road III-662: Elena - Nova Zagora.

B. Speed Limits
In built-up areas
Lorries (>3.5t)      50
Articulated vehicles      50
Road trains      50
Dangerous goods transport      40

Outside built-up areas
All-purpose roads

Lorries (>3.5t)      80
Articulated vehicles      70
Road trains      70
Dangerous goods transport      50

Lorries (>3.5t)      90
Articulated vehicles      90
Road trains      90
Dangerous goods transport      90

Lorries (>3.5t)      100
Articulated vehicles      100
Road trains      100
Dangerous goods transport      90

C. Fuel

As from 16.06.2009 an unrestricted quantity of fuel may be imported free of duties and charges in the standard tanks of the commercial vehicles.

D. Driving restrictions

As from 16.06.2009 an unrestricted quantity of fuel may be imported free of duties and charges in the standard tanks of the commercial vehicles.

E. Public holidays 2025

 1 January           New Year’s Day
 3 March              National Day
18 April               Good Friday (Orthodox)
19 April               Holy Saturday (Orthodox)
20 April               Easter Sunday (Orthodox)
21 April               Easter Monday (Orthodox)
 1 May                 Labour Day
 6 May                 Easter Monday (Orthodox), Bulgarian Army Day
24 May                Day of Bulgarian Alphabet, Enlightenment and Culture
26 May                Additional public holiday
 6 September       Union Day
 8 September       Additional public holiday
22 September      Independence Day
 1 November        Day of the Leaders of the National Revival (working day)
24 December       Christmas Eve
25 December       Christmas
26 December       Christmas

F. Alcohol Level

The maximim permitted alcohol level for drivers is 0.5‰

G. Violation of traffic and road transport regulations



Traffic Law

Drink or drug driving

Driving with a blood alcohol level >0.5 to 0,8‰

Driving with a blood alcohol level >0.8 to 0,12‰

BGN 500 plus driving ban of 6 months

BGN 1000 plus driving ban of 12 months

- for a second offence

BGN 1000 - 2000 plus driving ban of 1 to 3 years

Refusing to have the acohol level or the use of drugs checked by a technical device or refusing a medical examination to determine the blood alcohol level

BGN 2000 plus driving ban of 2 years

Dangerous goods transport

carrying dangerous goods without necessary written instructions

BGN 5000  

carrying dangerous goods without the relevant ADR certificate for professional competence;

carrying dangerous goods with a vehicle, for which there is no certificate of approval issued by a competent ADR authority of the country of registration or with a vehicle that is not intended for the transported goods

BGN 5000

Exceeding the authorized speed limit by:


up to 10 km/h *

BGN 20

11 to 20 km/h *

BGN 50

21 to 30 km/h *

BGN 100

21 to 30 km/h for drivers in the public passenger transport or ADR-drivers *

BGN 150

31 to 40 km/h in urban areas *

BGN 400

31 to 40 km/h outside urban areas *

BGN 300

31 to 40 km/h for drivers in the public passenger transport or ADR-drivers *

BGN 500

41 to 50 km/h in urban areas *

BGN 600

41 to 50 km/h outside urban areas *

BGN 400

41 to 50 km/h for drivers in the public passenger transport or ADR-drivers *

BGN 800 

over 50 km/h in urban areas **

BGN 700 + 3 months driving ban + BGN 50 for each additional 5 km/h over the exceeding 50 km/h

over 50 km/h outside urban areas *

BGN 600 + BGN 50 for each additional 5 km/h over the exceeding 50 km/h

over 50 km/h or drivers in the public passenger transport or ADR-drivers **

BGN 1000 + 3 months driving ban + BGN 50 for each additional 5 km/h over the exceeding 50 km/h

* for a second offence

double fine

** for a second offence

double fine

 + 3 months driving ban

Various infringements of traffic regulations like overtaking, refusal to give right of way, not respecting a road sign or road markings etc., if this constitutes a danger to other road users

BGN 150

Leaving the engine running unnecessarily

when the vehicle is standstill

up to BGN 50


Driving with an inappropriate speed and failing to respect the secure distance between vehicles, thus causing an accident, if the accident does not constitute a crime

BGN 200


Modifying the vehicle construction without following the legal procedutes

BGN 2000 - 7000

Parking on a place, fixed for vehicles carrying disabled persons or driven by disabled persons

BGN 200


Driving a road vehicle which exceeds the maximum authorised dimensions, mass or axle load without observing the respective regulations

BGN 500 - 3000

- for a second offence

BGN 1000 - 5000

Not wearing a seat belt

BGN 50

Use of mobile phone while driving, without the appropriate “hands-off” equipment

BGN 50




- Driving a vehicle over 3.5 t on a road included in the scope of the paid road network, for which the relevant obligations for establishing the distance traveled have not been fulfilled or a route card has not been purchased

BGN 1800

- for owner of a vehicle for which the due toll charge has not been paid in full or in part, including as a result of falsely declared data

BGN 2500

- driving a vehicle which registration number is illegible or covered in any way: for violations related to the use of vignette 

for violations of toll charges



BGN 500

BGN 3000

- lack of valid vignette - for passenger transport vehicles with not more than 8 seats; freight vehicles and/or vehicles for transport of passengers and goods with maximum permitted gross weight up to 3,5 t

BGN 300

Road Transport Law

Lack of certified true copy of the licence, permit or other document required by European or national law

- BGN 2000 for the driver  

- BGN 3000 for the transport operator

- for a second offence

- BGN 4000 for the driver

- BGN 5000 and licence withrawal

- for systematic offences

BGN 6000 for the driver

Not observing the requirements for driving, break and rest periods

BGN 100 - 500 for the driver

Irregularly unsealing, damaging or changing the indications of the tachograph or driving the vehicle without or with unfit tachograph, or using it improperly

BGN 100 - 1500 for the driver

Refusing to be checked by the control authorityies

BGN 2000 for the driver

Company in whose vehicle a manipulation device is found that could be used to falsify data recorded on record sheets or stored in the digital tachograph or on the driver card or printouts

BGN 5000 for the transport company

- second offens - BGN 10 000 and licence withdrawal

Allowing or ordering a transport operation with a motor vehicle within the scope of Regulation 165/2014/EC or AETR that is not fitted with any tachograph or the installed tachograph is not type approved

BGN 5000

- second offence - 10 000 for the responsible person and licence withdrawal


Allowing a transport operation with a motor vehicle that is not fitted with speed limitation device

BGN 1500

H. Winter equipment

Snow chains

During the winter period all vehicles wishing to enter Bulgaria must carry at least one pair of snow chains on board. Depending on weather conditions, the competent authorities may impose mandatory use of chains on at least two drive wheels on some road sections, which are signposted. The movement of vehicles with snow chains is only allowed when it is necessary due to the road conditions.

Winter tyres

In the period 15th of November - 1st of March all vehicles driving on the Bulgarian roads have to be equipped with winter tyres or with tyres with tread depth not less than 4 mm. The use of studded tyres is forbidden.


In case of not using proper tyres the fine is 50 BGN (about 26 EUR) and the vehicle could be temporary immobilized until the changes of the tyres. If a vehicle does not have snow chains on board, it will be not allowed to use the road sections to which the respective road sign applies. If a driver has snow chains on board his vehicle but does not fit them in compliance with the relevant road sign, thus endangering other road users, a fine will be imposed.

IRU website